warships, whales and dolphins...
I wonder if any warships (including submarines) were operating in this area in the last few days. Warships produce very powerful sonar emissions and they'd be the prime suspects in my book.
(1) As forecast, a group of about 30 whales and dolphins stranded themselves on the east coast of Tasmania.
(2) Another group of 20-30 pilot whales has stranded in New Zealand.
(3) Greens Party Leader, Bob Brown, blames underwater seismic testing associated with offshore oil and gas exploration..
(4) Scientists studying stranding patterns say that these strandings fit an identified pattern and according to this pattern, strandings will be on the increase for the next 4-5 years. These scientists don't claim to know (yet) what causes these strandings.
(5) Another bunch of scientists has done autopsies and taken samples to carry out forensic tests to try to establish a cause.
(6) Yet another theory is that the strandings were caused by electromagnetic disturbances.
(7) No-one has mentioned warships' sonar. Whatever you do, don't mention warships' sonar. And even more imporantly, whatever you do, don't do a google on: whales +sonar (it will only get you 76,900 hits) ;-)