support our troops... bring them home...

Photo: AP
Here in Australia we were too busy watching football Grand Finals to bother with stuff like that...
The keyboard is mightier than the machine gun... The political, philosophical and general outpourings of a troubled soul living in Australia and blogging his Vietnam veteran's head off.
Nothing in this blog can be believed. If you think that anything in this blog is true or factual, you'll need to verify it from another source. Do you understand? No? Then read it again, and repeat this process, until you understand that you cannot sue me for anything you read here. Also, having been sucked into taking part in the mass-murder of more than 3 million Vietnamese people on behalf of U.S. Big Business "interests", I'm as mad as a cut snake (and broke) so it might be a bit silly to try to sue me anyway...
Our Soldiers.These fabricating bastards have forgotten to mention that this is a re-hash of a U.S. patriot propaganda spam currently doing the rounds in America.
On this Vietnam Vets 39th anniversary of the battle of Long Tan and this still happens.
One of my sons serves in the military. He called me yesterday to let me know how warm and welcoming people were to him, and his troops, everywhere he goes, telling me how people shake their hands, and thank them for being willing to serve, and fight, for not only our own freedoms but so that others may have them also.
But he also told me about an incident in the grocery store he stopped at yesterday, on his way home from the Base. He said that ahead of several people in front of him stood a woman dressed in a burka. He said when she got to the cashier she loudly remarked about the Australian flag lapel pin the cashier wore on her smock. The cashier reached up and touched the pin, and said proudly, quote; "Yes, I always wear it and I probably always will".
The woman in the burka then asked the cashier when she was going to stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi.
A gentleman standing behind my son stepped forward, putting his arm around my son's shoulders, and nodding towards my son, said in a calm and gentle voice to the Iraqi woman: "Lady, hundreds of thousands of men and women like this young man have fought and died so that YOU could stand here, in MY country and accuse a check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen. It is my belief that had you been this outspoken in YOUR own country, we wouldn't need to be there today. But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak out so loudly and clearly, I'll gladly buy you a ticket and pay your way back to Iraq so you can straighten out the mess in YOUR country that you are obviously here in MY country to avoid". Everyone within hearing distance cheered!
Pass it on.... Patriotism is not a Fad message. It's what we stand for.
Schools and Universities (those not controlled by religions): This is leading to the corporatisation of thought, philosopy, history and knowledge. i.e. the corporatisation of "truth".Forget Democracy, it's already a Corpocracy, by which I mean - [corpo(rate) +cracy (rule of)]
Politics: The Corporation now owns "the economy" and the politicians are mere slaves to "the economy". Ergo, The Corporation owns the politicians. This was flagged a while ago when Clinton made that now-famous statement "it's the economy, stupid"
And then came Cindy Sheehan.Tens of thousands of anti-war protesters (and hopefully many, many more) are expected to converge on Washington on September 24th.
The woman whose story has ignited the anti-war movement spoke about her struggle to turn her personal grief into a call for action. Her words, peppered into the late evening Philly air by loud-speaker, brought a powerful intimacy to the suffering wrought by the Iraq war.
"This is about flesh and blood, about right and wrong," she said, threatening that elected officials, "do the right thing or you are fired."
Sheehan, along with...
Military Families Speak Out
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Veterans For Peace
...has joined the 'Bring them Home Now Tour', which takes "Camp Casey's all over America," (at a dizzying pace of 28 states in 25 days) and will descend on Washington DC on September 24th.
Latham is (and has been for quite a while) suffering from depression but he is in absolute denial about this.As I said above, these are just impressions I formed as a result of watching the program. They may all be wrong. For his sake, I hope they are.
There is a huge amount of pain in Latham's life which he has yet to come to terms with.
He feels betrayed by nearly everyone.
He should never have chosen a career in politics.
He is putting up a brave, macho front.
His life is ruled by what his sons think/will think about him.
He's headed either for a nervous breakdown or suicide.
His words are chillingly relevant to what is happening in Australia at this very point in time.In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
I am strongly opposed to any violence and do not believe that violence delivers any political gain, and in fact detracts from positive political engagement.According to News Ltd the only reasons given by the government were that he was involved in "politically motivated violence". Nothing I have seen, heard, or read, has linked Scott to any involvement with any "politically motivated violence" - and I have kept a really close eye on this episode from its beginning because of Scott's association with, an organisation I am very familiar with and whose integrity I do not doubt for one minute.
I find this entire experience incomprehensible and am still baffled as to why my visa has been cancelled and I have been detained under these circumstances.
To this date the only information that I have received is that I have been assessed as 'a direct or indirect risk to Australian national security'.
US Peace Activist to be DeportedScott is a PEACE activist, you control-freak idiots !!!
by ada 2:05am Sun Sep 11 '05 (Modified on 6:12am Sun Sep 11 '05) article#58992
Media release:
US Peace activist detained as "threat to national security"
Scott Parkin, a Texas based peace activist was detained by Federal police at approximately midday Saturday. He was en route to give a workshop about the progress and success of the peace movement in the US and companies profiting from the Iraq war.
Scott is a community college instructor who teaches history in Houston.
He has been detained by Federal Police at the request of DIMA and was held by Federal Police at Carlton West police station before being moved to Melbourne Custody Centre on Londsdale st. The reason given for his detention is that he poses "a threat to national security." It is understood that he has had his visa revoked at the Minister's discretion.
Scott was contacted by ASIO by phone on Wednesday and asked to attend a voluntary interview to which he declined. Scott participated in a non-violent street theatre action outside US corporation Halliburton's headquarters in Sydney during protests against the Forbes meeting on August 31st.
Liz Thompson from the National Anti-Deportation Alliance (NADA) said "This is a major attack on dissent, free speech and the anti-war movement. Scott's detention prevented him from sharing his experiences of working for peace in the US with other local activists. This appears to be an attempt not just to intimidate Scott, but all those working for social justice and progressive social change more broadly. "
Ms Thompson said "These actions seem to contradict Philip Ruddock's denial that Australia is turning into a police state. The Federal Government already has extraordinary powers to silence dissent. This should be a warning to everyone about the greater powers that ASIO may soon be granted."
On Thursday John Howard announced control orders and preventative detention measures giving the AFP and ASIO powers to control people who have not been convicted of any crime.
Scott Parkin has not been charged with any offense.
It is understood Scott will be forcibly deported on Monday.
Bringing Down The PillarsI'm very concerned about what's happening in this country right now.
people power strategies against war and capitalism
Saturday 10 September
1.00 - 5.00 pm
Irene warehouse
5 Pitt Street
Brunswick VIC
This cross-movement workshop and forum will be a chance for Melbourne activists to hear about and discuss emerging trends in organising for grassroots direct action campaigns.
Scott Parkin, an experienced community organiser, activist and trainer from Houston, Texas works with Houston Global Awareness, campaigning to get the corporate war profiteer Halliburton out of Iraq.
Houston Global Awareness are using a "People Power" strategy of direct action and popular education to exact social, political and economic costs on Halliburton for their operations in Iraq. In the spirit of the Serbian Otpor! movement, privatisation resisters in Bolivia and the Filipino "People Power" movements, Houston activists are using community dialogue, teach-ins, film screenings, counter-recruitment and nonviolent direct action to stop the war profiteers. The strategy targets key pillars of support in the occupation of Iraq.Scott and local activists will discuss tools for strategic organising, including SmartMeme's "Battle of the Story", an activist framing strategy for media and messaging.
Presented by Forest Action Trust, Pt'chang Nonviolence Training Project, and Friends of the Earth Melbourne.
Just as the media have always overhyped Bush's popularity, they are now overhyping the "political crisis" he is supposedly facing. There is no political crisis whatsoever, if by that phrase you mean something that will cause Bush to alter his policies. The war in Iraq will go on. The war against the poor will go on. The slow destruction of middle-class security and stability will go on. The long and ferocious right-wing campaign against the very idea of a "common good" will go on, unabated -- perhaps even strengthened -- as it faces a backlash from the half of the American public that does accept the reality of what they saw in New Orleans and all along the Gulf Coast.There are quite a few excellent links offered as annotations at the bottom of that article.
This is what you must understand: Bush and his faction do not care if they have "the consent of the governed" or not. They are not interested in governing at all, in responding to the needs and desires and will of the people. They are only interested in ruling, in using the power of the state to force their radical agenda of elitist aggrandizement and ideological crankery on the nation, and on the world.
They have a large, hard core of true believers who will countenance -- even applaud -- any crime, any corruption, any incompetence of the Leader and his minions. With this base, and with all three branches of government in their hands, the Faction need only procure the support of a small percentage of the rest of the population -- through fearmongering, through smears and lies, and, as we saw in 2000 and 2004, through the manipulation of election results via politically connected voting-machine corporations and politically partisan election officials.
None of this will change because of what happened in New Orleans. If the Bush Factionists could be touched by suffering and injustice, by death and destruction, by corruption and incompetence, then they would not be where they are today. If there was a viable opposition in the American Establishment to Bush's policies, it would have stood up long ago. Like the people left behind in New Orleans, we're all on our own -- "with no direction home."
US neo-con spruikers to descend on Sydney.
James Goodman
The neo-conservative lobby machine - Forbes Global - is in town. We will be treated to the edifying spectacle of an iconic public building given over to corporate conferencing. Steve Forbes, the quintessential boy-born-with-a-silver-spoon, signatory of the infamous 'Project for a New American Century', will regale us with his far-right Republican neo-conservativism.
A great opportunity, our industry minister says, 'to tell the world about Australia's business advantage'. And for those can afford the small fee of US$5000, what an opportunity to press the flesh with 'an exclusive group of senior executives'. The NSW development department has come to the party as a 'host sponsor', no doubt assisting with venue access. Bob Carr was an honoured guest at last year's Forbes Global conference in Hong Kong, which also hosted the likes of David Davies from Philip Morris International, speaking on the 'responsible corporation', and Richard Perle of the American Enterprise Institute, Assistant Secretary of Defence under Reagan and Chair of the US Defence Policy Board until he had to resign in 2003 due to links with a US military contractor.
Last year's Forbes CEO conference, held in New York, also broke new ground. In the midst of the US presidential campaign it focused on the 'politics of business'. Forbes publisher and chair, Caspar Weinberger, led discussions on how to deal with 'harsh awareness from the media, NGOs, "stakeholders" and nasty web-loggers'. Delegates wrestled with urgent dilemmas, such as 'how can CEO's justify outsourcing?', and 'what is the best way to deal with activist shareholder organisations?' Weinberger, of course, as former Secretary of Defence (and Perle's boss) under Reagan, would have some knowledge of how to address such challenges. Weinberger joined Forbes in 1987 when his political career came to an end after being directly linked to providing covert assistance for right-wing guerrillas in Nicaragua, funded from arms sales to Iran.
Ironically enough, Forbes now leads the charge in the US business world against the 'Axis of Evil' (which of course includes Iran). Backing the US 'War on Terror' to the hilt, Forbes is one of Bush's key business sponsors. In January 2004 it proudly announced 'Bush is Best'. Since Steve Forbes took over in 1990 the company has grown into a neo-con propaganda house, claiming a five million-strong readership for its international edition Forbes Global, and close to a million for its US-based Forbes Magazine. It is very much a family affair, with Steve, Robert, Christopher and Timothy all in executive roles. In all its permutations - from its listings of 'top' companies, 'richest people' and 'celebrities', to its thirty-five monthly 'investment newsletters', its several magazines and conferences, its online video and weekly slot on Fox News, the Forbes machine preaches the neo-con script.
A glance at the Forbes archive reveals the business of neo-conservatism, warts and all. In October 2002 Forbes rattled the sabres for business, claiming that 'Hitting OPEC By Way of Baghdad' would cut oil prices and offer 'juicy deals' in a postwar Iraq. In March 2003, immediately before invasion, the magazine was charting the 'War Dividend', an oil 'gush' that would 'recoup the cost of an Iraqi war'. The 'cost' of invasion and reconstruction was estimated at '$50 billion or so', rather less than the $182 billion and rising as of 20 July 2005 (see As if Iraq was not enough, in early 2003 the magazine mapped its own 'atlas of evil and discord', throwing Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela into the ring, as well as the familiar candidates.
For Forbes, war spells profit: its Security Industry Analyst, a newsletter for 'stocks in homeland and security industries', picks booming defence contractors.
In March 2003, on the eve of the war on Iraq dollar-signs were flashing at the Analyst - 'over the last month', it gloated, 'we have seen a handsome war premium'. Today the newsletter compares the current security stocks boom with the 'early days' of the era. A report from 2003 on missile manufacturer Raytheon is typical: 'U.S. military might in Afghanistan and Iraq has heightened interest worldwide in our weaponry... good news for defense contractor Raytheon'. With the sale of each missile system 'worth another 35 cents a share', the Analyst states 'higher Pentagon spending has returned the company to profitability', suggesting 'this stock likely won't be shot down again soon'.
The Security Industry Analyst position is simple: 'we like to invest in security companies that have dual streams of revenue' - that is, companies with government contracts. It actively lobbies for increased government expenditure on security services, and greater support for the 'security industry'. In 2002 for instance it argued the government should protect the entire industry from exposure to 'uncontrolled liability', extending coverage already provided for the defence giants such as Lockheed Martin. Elsewhere it calls for increased use of biometric testing and racial profiling by government authorities, while recommending companies which would benefit from greater take-up of the required technologies.
Forbes Magazine, meanwhile, reassures investors they should never feel guilty about profiting from war. In early July this year, under the headline 'Screw Osama I'm buying Stocks', readers were offered valuable advice: 'The war on Terror is far from over and security stocks should have a place on your portfolio'. The day after the London bombings the headline story spoke loud and proud: 'Markets move higher as the world mourns'. Analysts picked-out the latest defence stocks for their readers, albeit with the caveat 'it would be irresponsible for us or anyone to encourage profiting from another's misfortune... '.
Forbes - this quintessential front organization for neo-cons - has gained a foothold in the Australian political establishment. The Opera House conference clearly signals their confidence that now is the time to bring their message to Australia.
They may have miscalculated. Controversy about the conference is mounting, and in the most surprising of fields. Reports that Nicole Kidman would be speaking at the conference, for $1000 a minute, have appeared on celebrity pages, from the Sun to the Kerala Times, to the Sydney Morning Herald.
She may now be reconsidering her involvement - not least as the Forbes top-100 'celebrity list' places her at number 74 (two slots behind the Eagles!).
The Opera House conference itself runs over three days, 30 August - 1 September, and is preceded by the Sydney Social Forum, 27-29 August, with a major public meeting planned at Circular Quay for the 29th. A number of campaign groups are organising to protest against the conference itself, with a demonstration on 30 August at 5 pm at the Opera House. The Forbes-Australia push will not go unquestioned.
James Goodman co-convenes the Research Initiative in International Activism, and teaches at UTS.
Ah, White Man, have you any sacred sites
Ah, brother, I am searching for the sites sacred to you, Where you walk in silent worship, and you whisper poems, too, Where you tread, like me, in wonder, and your eyes are filled with tears, When you see the tracks you've travelled down your fifty thousand years.I am searching round Australia, I am searching, night and day, For a site, to you so sacred, that you won't give it away For a bit of coloured paper, say a Church you're knocking down, Or the Rocks, your nation's birhtplace, by the Bridge, in Sydney Town.
Your cathedrals I have entered, I have seen the empty aisles, Where a few knelt down in sorrow, where were all the children's smiles? Big cathedrals, full of beauty, opal glass and gleaming gold, And an old man, in an overcoat, who had crept in from the cold.
Your schools, I drifted through them, heard the sound of swishing canes, Heard the shouts of angry people crushing flowers in our brains, Heard the bark up on the rostrum, where the powers had their say, Wouldn't children's hearts be sacred, though they're made, like mine, of clay?
Where's your wonder? Where's your worship? Where's your sense of holy awe? When I see those little children, torn apart, by fear of war? What is sacred to you, brother, what is sacred to your clan? Are your totems rainbow-feathered? Is there dreaming in you, man?
Sacred … sacred … sacred … gee, you chuck that word about, And when echoes answer sacred … sacred, louder still, you shout, And the echoes come, in patterns, and then, louder, every one, Till they meet, like waves together, and go bang! just like a gun.
Sacred … hesitating … now, a film is reeling through My brain, and through my memory, of our sacred rendez-vous, Of our meeting, of our parting, of my tears, as sweet as ice, Of my numb incomprehension of a shattered paradise.
Sacred, O so sacred, was our sacred rendez-vous, And your ferocious anger, when you found, we weren't like you, But if I should make an act of faith, in a voice, both firm and clear, That there's something sacred to me, you start drowning in your beer.
What is sacred to you, brother, what is sacred to your heart? Is Australia just a quarry, for the bauxite belts to start? Where the forests are forgotten, and the tinkling of the bell Of the bell-bird in the mountains is just something more to sell?
Ah, brother, I am searching for the sites sacred to you, But the rivers, clear as crystal, smell like sewer-fulls of spew, From the pipe and pump polluters, and the nukes that fleck the foam, Would you let a man, with dirty boots, go walking through your home?
Sacred means that, sacred, that's a place where spirits rise, With the rainbow wings of sunset, on the edge of paradise, Sacred, that's my father, that's my daughter, that's my son, Sacred … where the dreaming whispers hope for everyone.
In the silence of the grottoes of Australia's sunny land, Stand together with the Kooris, stand together, hand in hand, Open eyes to endless beauty, and to spirits, far and near, For Australia is my country, hey, it's sacred to me here.
Ah, brother, I am searching for the sites sacred to you, Where you walk, in silent worship, and you whisper poems, too, Where you tread, like me, in wonder, and your eyes are filled with tears, When you see the tracks you've travelled down your fifty thousand years.
The Slouch Of Vietnam
Why should I wear that new slouch hat, the slouch of Vietnam,
Why should I share the napalm-guilt of blundering Uncle Sam,
Why should I hunt down peasant kids, who fight for rights and rice,
Why should I spill this hard-earned blood in a sucker’s sacrifice?
I think of my old Uncles, and their mates, who lie bone-white
On the far-off fields of Flanders, now who promoted that fight?
They’ll teach you that life is precious, then they’ll brush it aside like dust,
But I won’t give my life away ‘cause a brass-hat says I must.
A chilly dusk is falling here, the boxtrees’ shadows stretch,
And through the ring-barked clumps I see the vanished soldiers fetched,
The tall plume on the horseman, the slant brim down below,
As through the mists of memory, the slaughtered slouches go.
There’s young Mick, the cricketer, from frosty Eucumbene,
And “Pally” Tom, the skinner, from the southern Riverine,
And, troop on troop, the squadrons pass, the sun across their cheeks,
Clay-cold, and pale as cellar grass, and not one soldier speaks.
The slouch of brave Gallipoli, that blinded the diggers’ eyes,
The slouch of bloody Passchendaele, where the shell-shock case still cries,
The martyrs hanged in Changi, the heroes killed at Lae,
But the slouch of jungle paddies is a slouch I cannot pay.
Why should I wear that new slouch hat, the slouch of Vietnam,
Why should I share the napalm-guilt of blundering Uncle Sam,
Why should I hunt down peasant kids who fight for rights and rice,
Why should I spill this hard-earned blood in a sucker’s sacrifice?
Concreeto Is Byoo-Tee-Ful!!
Concreeto is byoo-tee-ful !!!!
We need more concreeto in the Blue Mountains,
Because there’s a Big Flood coming,
One in a hundred thousand year flood !
Coming tomorrow morning at 6 minutes past seven,
Noah will be “hanging five” on this flood !
We’ve got to put thirty metres of concreeto on top of the Warra-da-Gamba Dam.,
So bush walkers can walk straight up, and straight down,
Saves time walking around the crooked mountains,
Because concreeto is byoo-tee-ful,
It’s a byo-tee-ful colour grey-ey-ey, nice and smoooothe,
One in a hundred thousand year flood,
One is a very small number, not very attractive,
But 100,000 is fairly attractive, it’s one tenth of a million,
And it’s easy to make a million these days with the—concreeto—
Because concreeto is byoo-tee-ful, it’s a beautiful colour, grey-ey-ey,
Nice and smoo-oothe….cheap to make, dear to sell, I love it---
The Mountains are very crooked, very rough job,
Full of cracks, very rough, rough rocks,
Got to fill it up with the concreeto,
Because concreeto is byoo-tee-ful, it’s a beautiful colour…grey-ey-ey…
Nice and smoo-oo-ooth…fill up all the cracks with the concreeto,
Make a nice big wedding cake from Lapstone to Mount Victoria,
Nice and smooooth,
Got to straighten up all the cliffs, with the concrete-eeto,
So the bush walkers won’t get eye strain
Looking at the crooked cliffs, make them nice and smoo-ooth,
Nice and square, nice and rectangular with the concree-eeto,
Nice straight cliffs and nice square waterfalls,
Because concreeto is byooteeful, it’s a beautiful colour, grey-ey-ey,
Nice and smooooth…..
There’s Warra da Gamba, Vasco da Gamba and Viola Da Gamba,
Now Vasco da Gama he circumcised the world,
In a Spanish Galleon! If he had a concrete ship,
He could conquer the whole world, I came, I saw, I con-creeted !!!
Viola Da Gamba, it’s a concrete violin,
If you don’t like the conductor hit him over the bloody head.
Now we’ve got five rivers in the mountains, the Wollondilly, that’s a silly,
The Kedumba, that’s a dumb name, the Grose, that’s a filthy pooey,
The Cox’s that’s a pornographic, and the Cowdung…
Got to fill em up with the concreeto, make them nice and straight,
Nice and square, nice and smooooth, so the water can run straight
Up and straight down, no more crooked rivers, so the bushwalkers
Can walk straight up and straight down,
Because concreeto is beautiful…it’s a beautiful colour grey-ey-ey…nice and smooooth
Nice and square, nice and straight, with the concree-eeto,
So the bushwalkers can walk straight up and straight down,
Saves time walking round the crooked mountains,
The Wollondilly is Concreeto No 1, The Kedumba Concreeto No 2,
The Grose is Concreeto No 3, The Cox’s is Concreeto No 4,
And the Cowdung is Concreeto No 5, nice and smooth, with the concreeto,
Because concreeto is beautiful…it’s a beautiful colour, grey-ey-ey, nice and smooooth,
Some people come to the mountains for the O-ZONE
I come for the RE-ZONE..
Some people like the multiplication and division,
I like the multiplication and SUB-DIVISION…
With the concreeto, because concreeto is byooteeful,
It’s a byooteeful colour, grey-ey-ey, nice and smooooth,
These bushwalkers say the bush is a “Cathedral Without Walls”,
How stupeedo! You’ve got no walls, we’ve got the con-creeto !
Because concreeto is byoo-tee-ful, it’s a byoo-tee-ful colour, grey-ey-ey,
Nice and smoooothhh…