I get frustrated with the refusal of the vast majority of Amercans to inform themselves about the facts about America's disgusting, selfish and murderous foreign policy over the last 100 years or so (I guess it would be just too "un-American" to do so.)
I obviously piss many Americans off with my anti-American ranting. As a committed pacifist, the only weapon I have is ranting and protesting, and even this right may soon be taken away from me under America's new wonderful "security" laws imposed internationally via their "advisory" interactions with "democratic" governments like ours.
I know why Americans are so terrified. They're getting a sense of the amount of rage that their mad brand of globalised capitalism is generating and they realise that most of the raging humans are not sworn pacifists like myself, and being just as war-hungry as America, these raging humans have decided to come after Americans now if America persists with its mad ways. And America will continue with its mad ways ("war on terror" is a classic example.) It wouldn't be America if it didn't. It's America's insane version of "democracy". America is insane and it doesn't know that it's insane.
Gerog W. Bush will not fix it. John Kerry cannot fix it.
America has doomed itself into becoming the most murderous, fascist regime the world has ever known. It will murder tens, if not hundreds, of millions before it finally collapses in a screaming heap. It will do this under the delusion of "keeping the world safe". It will happen that way because American "democracy" is a diabolical caricature of what true democracy is.
But sadly, Americans are obsessed with the need to "be positive" and what I have to say is way too "negative" so no one's listening. I don't think Americans can afford to think about what I have to say. I think it would be way too threatening to their self-image.
I just love the way Americans blame their governments and refuse to take any personal responsibility for the fact that they elected these governments. When the Republicans rule, the Democrats say "it's not our fault" and when the Democrats rule, the Republicans say "it's not our fault", whilst all the while
both parties support the foreign policies which impose global capitalism, and the McCulture that comes with it, upon a huge mass of people who don't want it but who are denied the right to vote against it. Well now they're voting with airliners, truck bombs, car bombs and exploding backpacks and "girdles".
Neither party will do what would end anti-American terrorism completely and immediately: America will not stop interfering in the world ("in America's interests" of course). It will not pull its military bases out of where they're not wanted. It will not stop supporting Israel's murderous land-grab in Palestine (they're doing it with American military hardware and billions of U.S. dollars of "aid".) It will not insist that Israel dismantle its nuclear arsenal. Why will none of these things happen? Because too few Americans are willing to endure the discomfort of reading books critical of America's foreign policy so they never even find out what's really going on. If it's not on CNN or Fox, it's not happening, right?
You wonder why I hold the average American in contempt? I think with democracy comes the obligation to hunt down the truth before you vote on anything, but the avarage American voter is pig-ignorant about what his/her own country has really been up to around the world. They're far too busy believing the warm fuzzy propaganda fed to them by their politicians and Big Business interests through their media, corporate hype, their churches and their schools. Oh don't worry, dudes and dudettes, I'm just as hard on the idiots here in Australia, but per capita, I think we have more informed voters here. We had about one million demonstrate at anti-war rallies in mid-Feb 2003. Per capita that would equate to about 15 million American demonstrators. How many demonstrated in America in mid-Feb 2003, I wonder...
(ahhhh... that feels better...)