Can't sleep. Got so much crap rattling around in my head. Thought I'd blog it out of my system. So here goes:
I haven't had a drink in four days and I feel more depressed than ever. I don't crave a drink, I'm just depressed. I'm not sure the anti-depressant I'm on is doing me any good. Whilst it is true that my depressive periods are less frequent now, they seem to be more "solid", more "real". I feel I'm more likely to follow through and actually end it all. But between these bouts I do feel "better". That means I just couldn't give a hoot about anything.
Here in Sydney we've got a Muslim Mufti who's recently been reported in the media as having said that women who dress "revealingly" are inviting rape. We also have an Imam who is on record as having said the same sort of thing. If this represents typical Muslim attitudes towards women and rape, then I would gladly support the immediate expulsion of every Muslim from Austraila. If this is not a typical Muslim view, but an isolated, extreme view, then I expect the moderate Muslims here (if there are indeed any) to come forward immediately to loudly and emphatically denounce these lunatics as not representing mainstream Muslim views on such matters. Stand up and be counted or get out of my country! This is totally unacceptable!
And another thing: I'm heartily sick of people who have a gripe with America, or the West generally, or globalisation, engaging in terrorism or violent reaction as their chosen way of dealing with their greivances. I denounce utterly what America, Israel and globalisation are doing, but I equally do not support violent resistance/reaction as a means of solving the problems. Two wrongs do not make a right. There has to be a better way, and I think massive Peaceful People Power protests and non-violent uprisings are the only way to beat the bastards without becoming a bastard yourself. And the bastards really cannot sustain suppressive action against such protests without being seen to be repressive, murderous, anti-democratic, and downright evil. I cannot understand why the organisers of the various resistance movements cannot get their brains around the fact that Peaceful People Power is not only the most legitimate form of resistance, but also the most powerful and effective. It's like they'd rather kill (and be killed) than win in their struggle for justice.
In the news the big noise is
Nicholas Stern's stern warning about global warming and the huge economic devastation (read The Mother Of All Depressions) awaiting us if we do not fix the problem in the next ten years. Finally the political arseholes running this country are starting to address the problem, but in a way that will achieve way too little, way too late. This does not even factor in the economic effects of Peak Oil which many predict will, collectively, spell economic disaster within ten years (some tipping as early as three).
There's lots and lots more, but this'll do for now.