Nothing in this blog can be believed. If you think that anything in this blog is true or factual, you'll need to verify it from another source. Do you understand? No? Then read it again, and repeat this process, until you understand that you cannot sue me for anything you read here. Also, having been sucked into taking part in the mass-murder of more than 3 million Vietnamese people on behalf of U.S. Big Business "interests", I'm as mad as a cut snake (and broke) so it might be a bit silly to try to sue me anyway...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

lunar brogue nails it... again...

Of course, Rudd has redoubled our commitment to standing shoulder to shoulder with that Great Force For Good, A-fucking-meriKKKa!!! He even saluted The Great American Idiot...



O Canada...

The Canadian National Anthem

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Inuit sang it with great pride in their hearts as they were being fucked-over by the white man...

he said, she said...

He said "The Rose, now THERE'S some kick-ass lyrics!"

She said "I'm not interested in your drug-era crap."

You can tell she likes classical music, can't you?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

market forces...

A free market is a wonderful thing. Everything just magically falls into place to create a win-win situation for all concerned. And pigs fly...

We will now begin to see what market forces will do with oil and gas reserves. With prices set to go exponential, would you be in a hurry to exhaust your reserves at current prices when, in the very near future you will be able to ask double that price? It would make "good business sense" to keep the stuff in the ground as long as possible to capitalise on future skyrocketting prices.

We can see now why OPEC interests are dragging the chain on production. They understand business perfectly. Minimising production creates shortages which push the price up.

Welcome to Capitalism 101 - Supply and Demand.

A war, you say? We'll force them to produce at the point of a gun? Oh yeah? Iraq shows us how that wonderful idea works. You end up burning more oil waging the war than any hoped-for increase in supply such a war might ever have given you.

Why do the Americans let idiots run their country? (Oops, I forgot... idiots _like_ to be governed by even bigger idiots.)

Even Bill Clinton was way off the mark when he exclaimed "It's the economy, stupid!" Someone should have immediately countered with "No, Bill, it's institutionalised greed, stupid!"

Capitalism's chickens will soon all be coming home to roost...

And Karl Marx will be vindicated.

reality and survival...

What if it becomes a reality that we cannot stop the catastrophic effects of global warming?

What if we're just a decade or two from the next ice age? A frozen North America, Britain, Europe, Russia.

What power shifts will have happened by then, given that oil and gas depletion will have become a serious reality?

Who will survive the catastrophes of an ice age, radical climate change, resource depletion, collapsed major economies, mass starvation, vast political power shifts, and the angst caused by all of this?

Do you really believe that democracy works, or that it will survive the pressures of the future?

How will you prepare your kids for The Collapse?

Do you think by avoiding these questions it will make it easier for you and yours to deal with the future?

Prozac, anyone?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've already said it all...

Nothing to say I haven't already said before...

I really think this blog should be shut down...

But I'm too addicted to talking shit to shut it down...

Wonder what wonderful "counsel" my counsellor will have for me today...

I am ***SO*** over this life of mine...

Anyone reading this blog needs to go get a life...

Sorry, no wisdom here today...

There wasn't any yesterday either...

Kerouak was a genius...

can't sleep....

It's nearly 5am. Got sick of the nameless dreads* keeping me awake, so I got up again, thinking I would blog my way to sleep again. Wrong...

Couldn't blog if my life depended on it...

*Ainsley Mears coined this phrase.

here comes everybody...

"The hallmark of revolution is that the goals of the revolutionaries cannot be contained by the institutional structure of the existing society."

Thus spake Clay Shirky in his new book, Here Comes Everybody.

If you want to blow your mind with the possibilities of the new media, be that mobile phones, the internet, blogs, wikis, YouTube, Facebook, etc, this book will do it.

I'm reading it, and my already blown mind is just blowing again...


But don't worry, dear reader, my optimism is bound to be short-lived. Reality will bite me again soon enough...

Monday, May 26, 2008

yes, but...

Sorry to bore you about god.

But it's important.

There is or isn't a god.

If it's purely a matter of belief (and let's remember that I distinguish absolutely between believing and knowing), then I'm happy to let it rest with the believer as long as the believer does not claim to know.

It's when the believer claims to know that I get a bit twitchy...

And of course, as readers of this blog know only too well, it's atheists who claim to know that there is no god who get on my goat most. If only they were happy admit that they merely BELIEVE that there is no god I could leave them alone.

But no, the disingenuous little creeps have to claim to KNOW, whilst failing to offer any acceptable proof for their certainty. That's what gets me - their denial that they too are mere believers... Believers in the non-existence of god.

What's wrong with leaving it at that? The answer is obvious: If they admitted they too are acting on faith alone, their very grounds for attacking and discrediting their opposite numbers would evaporate...

Yes, make no mistake about it, atheists are as fundamentalist and bigoted about their beliefs as the believers they so like to invalidate.

Is anyone still reading this? I doubt it, but I feel a lot better now... :-)

But how long will my bliss last?

Friday, May 09, 2008

long way to the shop...

I was watching a thing on telly and the scene was a nursing home for people who were clearly of the generation which was young during WWII. They were all gathered around a piano, singing a Vera Lynn song of that era.

This got me thinking...

It mightn'd be too long before I end up in one of those places...

What will the staff be organising for us by way of music...

AC/DC? Rolling Stones? Deep Purple? The Doors? The Beatles? The Who? Cliff Richard?

What !?!?!?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

clean coal...

For thirty years the Canyon Colliery operated here in the Blue mountains. Zinc-laden run-off from the mine, up to 500 times more polluting than is considered safe, has been allowed to poison the Grose River for years, with the full knowledge of the NSW Dept of Environment and Climate Change.

You can read the full article in the SMH if you're interested, but what really got me was the final sentence in the piece - "The NSW Government has ultimate responsibility for site rehabilitation."

Say what ???

These mongrels come in here, trash the environment, make heaps of money, and then piss off and the tax payers have to foot the bill for the clean-up?


Still doubt that the poor's duty is to service the rich?

So many pricks, so few bullets... *

* Only joking. I do not advocate or condone the killing of rich greedy folk no matter what they get up to. But I would like to see them put in the stocks occasionally...

Monday, May 05, 2008

we're winning, right?

Some 600 Iraqis who have worked with the Australian "liberation" forces will be brought to Australia with their families once we withdraw our troops because it is deemed to be too dangerous for them to remain there.

Does that sound to you like we're winning?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

the teachings of diogenes #3

A student of philosophy, eager to display his powers of argument, approached Diogenes, introduced himself and said, "If it pleases you, sir, let me prove to you that there is no such thing as motion." Whereupon Diogenes immediately got up and left.