what's happenin', dude?
I've obtained speech recognition software and as soon as I can make it work you can look forward to TRUE stream-of-consciousness stuff from this blogger. Unedited insanity... Yo!
There's an APEC Forum being held here in Sydney in September. I will be there. I will have mastered the handicam I've yet to buy. I will be on the prowl to cover the demonstrations. I will be pointing the lens at any and all violence I can detect, irrespective of who is dishing it out.
I was talking to someone from the Chaser's War On Everything at an event today and gleaned this little bit of information: Apparently it would be pointless for me to try to get official accreditation from the government for my video shoot as they are trying damn hard to stack the deck with "their kind" of "reporters". Also revealed was the snippet that the Spooks have a list. Known activists are on this list. If you are stopped and asked to produce ID by any of the Stormtroopers, and if your name is on "the list", you will automatically be made to disappear for four days, kept fully incommunicado, until the APEC Forum is over, and then released. Say hello to the new "anti-terror" laws (sic). If this happens to me, once I get out, there will be hell to pay. Trust me. They ain't seen nuffin' yet, boyzangrrlz...
I will have legal back-up organised before I go in there...
And I'm thinking of daisy chains... What I mean is a camera watching a camera watching the guy filming the action. It's hard to round up all those cameras... They don't have enough gorillas...
Hey! I just noticed that New Blogger "saves your drafts automatically"... Hmmm... So, now Big Brother captures and stores your every word, whether you publish or not... Hmmm...
Is that enough for you today?