Nothing in this blog can be believed. If you think that anything in this blog is true or factual, you'll need to verify it from another source. Do you understand? No? Then read it again, and repeat this process, until you understand that you cannot sue me for anything you read here. Also, having been sucked into taking part in the mass-murder of more than 3 million Vietnamese people on behalf of U.S. Big Business "interests", I'm as mad as a cut snake (and broke) so it might be a bit silly to try to sue me anyway...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

imaginary weapons...

George Bush is going to kill you with imaginary weapons and the American taxpayer is paying out megabucks for this pleasure...

For real... Read the book review.


Blogger The Editor said...

Link!!! Babe!!! You still reading this misogynistic blog? Puts a whole new dimension on masochism don't it, babe? (Deem big fat ugly grin and bear hug included)

(Serious Mode = ON)(I think I might be bi-polar.) (The bear's care factor about this = zero)(I think I might communicate in brackets from now on...) (Elliptically, of course...) (Nah...) (Brackets off)

Now where was I? Oh yes... The End Of The World - Part XCMMCXIVII.

[giggle alert] I think I really am Diogenes reincarnated, and a few other really important and powerful people through the ages as well... So don't mess with me, babe...

Good to see you in here though... Blogging is *such* a love/hate thing isn't it? Especially vent-blogging (or should that be blog-venting)... Arrrggghhh... Let's just call it bear ranting...
Abandon all ego's, ye who enter here... (This place is only big enough for one ego - MINE!!! :-)

Western-style democarcy is a huge con-job perpetrated on the masses to try to prevent revolution and/or rebellion. The average low/middle income moron will never figure this out, and the rich know it and are laughing themselves silly. that I mean its 'Administration', and its corportations, not the hoi polloi as such...

Yeah, but the rich control the media corporations which brainwash the hoi polloi at election time to vote for the Government which will produce the Administration needed to control and "educate" the hoi polloi whilst they (the rich man's govt) give free rein to the other corporations they and their enclaved friends have money in. Of course, they have corrupted the hoi polloi as well, so that their healh insurance and retirement funds' money is also locked up in those same psychopathic corporations (free plug here for Joel Bakan's excellent book The Corporation.)

(Einstein's qote) Puts a whole new spin on the American Right's favourite mantra "Let's bomb 'em all the way back to the Stone Age", don't it? And of course now we have George Bush saying "Let's spend billions of dollars on imaginary weapons with which we hope to accomplish this." Let's hope we never get to see another of his "Mission Accomplished" signs... Ever...

May 20, 2006 12:06 PM  
Blogger JahTeh said...

Link, twat is not strong enough. The man is a twunt. Put the shareplough down Bear, I mean the other twunt.

May 20, 2006 12:13 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

Oh... You mean the knob of steel... Right...

May 20, 2006 12:44 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

Link, you don't need to blame yourself for my outbursts. We have the war to blame for that...

May 20, 2006 7:24 PM  
Blogger Davoh said...

"nuclear hand grenade"?? How far does one have to throw it?? Puts a new slant on 'hoist by own petard'.

May 21, 2006 6:41 AM  
Blogger JahTeh said...

'Ploughshare! ploughshare!' Thank God he missed it.

May 21, 2006 3:03 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

Jahteh, I actually read it as ploughshare... "A man sees what he
wants to see and disregards the rest..."

Shareploughs are good too. I like the idea of several farmers sharing one plough... Otherwise there's all these ploughs sitting idle. What a resource waste...

May 21, 2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger Davoh said...

ploughs? idle? damn, someone find a blacksmith and turn them into swords. heh

May 21, 2006 11:37 PM  

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