Nothing in this blog can be believed. If you think that anything in this blog is true or factual, you'll need to verify it from another source. Do you understand? No? Then read it again, and repeat this process, until you understand that you cannot sue me for anything you read here. Also, having been sucked into taking part in the mass-murder of more than 3 million Vietnamese people on behalf of U.S. Big Business "interests", I'm as mad as a cut snake (and broke) so it might be a bit silly to try to sue me anyway...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

shhhh... I'm thinking...

...and that's ALWAYS bad news...

I've been thinking about bigots and non-bigots.

Bigots have ossified beliefs and ideas. It goes without saying they never question the "rightness" of their beliefs and ideas. And it follows that therefore they are incapable of any intellectual evolution. They are incapable of learning from their experience. They're stuck, usually and explicably, in ignorance or worse, stupidity.

Non-bigots are capable of reviewing and changing their beliefs and ideas, and thereby, they can deal with issues in a different way now than they might have previously. In other words, they can learn; they can evolve intellectually.

It also stands to reason that we're all, to a greater or lesser degree, bigoted about a number of issues and ideas.

This led me to thinking about blogging. In particular, my own insane style of "let-it-all-hang-out" blogging.

In trying to be a good little non-bigot, my blogging tends to be messy, cathartic, therapeutic, and evolutionary. It also tends to be repetitious. A bunch of key issues or ideas keeps getting brought up, mulled-over, and re-worked, ad infinitum. Each of these issues and ideas is a perpetual "work in progress". None can ever be finished or complete because learning and evolving can never be finished or complete.

This presents some problems for the reader of this style of blog...

The posts are chronologically hierarchal i.e. the latest evolution (version) of the blogger's issues and ideas are at the top of the blog whilst the earlier (and often contradictory) "versions" of the same issues and ideas are buried in the usually unread archives.

But evolution and learning is not so tidy. The latest belief or idea is not necessarily a superior belief or idea. Intellectual evolution and learning is a cybernetic process. It's trial and error. Like a drunk trying to stagger home, erratically. The drunk usually gets home, but his path is not an elegant one.

So, I'm sorry if my posts are repititious and if my latest post is less "correct" than a previous one, but such is the nature of staggering drunkenly towards home...

Using this metaphor of the drunk trying to get home, if you think you are "sober" and you already know the "right" way home, then perhaps instead of secretly snickering at my plight supercilliously, you might like to use the comments facility of this blog to point me in the right direction, otherwise, as the drunk might so eloquently put it, "Fuck you!"


Blogger The Editor said...

I think we'll soon be locked up and fitted-up with bogus charges if we say things the Nazis now running this world don't like to hear.

Copying news extracts and commenting on them is a valid and popular style of blogging, Ron. So, if some snarky supercillious armour-plated burrowing mammals maddened by the Darwin wet season have a problem with that, Ron, tell 'em fuck 'em!

They're so far up themselves they don't even link to this blog, so fuck 'em, Ron! Fuck 'em! Fuck em! ;-)

Do your own thing Ron, and tell 'em fuck 'em! Anyway, they're only jealous because they haven't figured out yet how to make their point with fewer words. Literary gnats, the lot of 'em! Fuck 'em!

Those prolix bastards are just a club of intellectoid elitists trying to outdo each other with meretricious dinner-party talk-fest wankery. Chardonnay bloggers, the lot of 'em! Snide sophisticates blogging with plums in their mouths and carrots up their arses, Ron. Fuck 'em! ;-)

Fuck the lot of 'em! We're the True Blue Aussie Bloggers, Ron, you and I!!! Don't worry about them, Ron. Fuck 'em! ;-)

You said "I wish I could write stuff as long on my blog". You can, Ron. But beware, once it's out there, you can't retract it, so you need to either think carefully about what you want the whole world to know about you, or you need to give up giving a shit about what people think about you, including the guvmint.

Personally, I just say "fuck 'em!" But that might not work for you, Ron. It often doesn't work for me either.. And then I go, I go, I go, I just go "fuck 'em!!" :-)

March 23, 2005 1:55 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

Jeff, I think that was a compliment, so thanks. :-)

March 23, 2005 2:05 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

fox, fox, fox... Oh I wonder who you are... "slip a quick insult to the reader". Hmmm... Am I that bad? And so predictable? The ogre of the blogosphere...

Blogs? Mine's like my mind - a fucking disaster area. Ground zero.

I couldn't sleep, so I got up (2.10am here) to do a post on the power of words and I found your comment. Perfect.

Thanks for dropping by, fox. You're really good for my fragile ego. (Same goes for all of the readers who leave comments here.)

March 24, 2005 2:15 AM  

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