reminders for the advanced soul...
"You teach best that which you most need to learn."
Of course, none of that has anything to do with me...
*Illusions by Richard Bach
The keyboard is mightier than the machine gun... The political, philosophical and general outpourings of a troubled soul living in Australia and blogging his Vietnam veteran's head off.
Nothing in this blog can be believed. If you think that anything in this blog is true or factual, you'll need to verify it from another source. Do you understand? No? Then read it again, and repeat this process, until you understand that you cannot sue me for anything you read here. Also, having been sucked into taking part in the mass-murder of more than 3 million Vietnamese people on behalf of U.S. Big Business "interests", I'm as mad as a cut snake (and broke) so it might be a bit silly to try to sue me anyway...
umm, am wondering if that has anything to do with me?
No, mate. That's just your ego. Kill it!!!
O.K ego morte. Phew, thanks for that. No more comments from me (at least for a while).Cheers.
Link, it's a battle...
Some of those Messiah thingies are just puke-inducing, you know. For example:
A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed. It feels an impulsion... this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.
I suggest Mr Bach might have lifted himself so high he suffered oxygen deprivation.
Deirdre, there's a part of me which thinks it recognises, in Illusions, a prefect explanation of how the universe works.
But that part got run over by this part in about 1995. :-(
I don't know, I used to get carried away with Illusions-type "perfect explanations", but now I just feel sceptical. If you can sum up great truths in a neat little sentence, maybe they're not all that great or true?
I donno, Deirdre. The dominant sceptic in me these days agrees with you, but there's the other part that still wonders... I just dunno...
Wondering is good. What I hate is the sadness that comes from thinking about the parts of me I left behind. I kinda liked them, even if they were wrong. Being right doesn't always compare to feeling sure (as those parts did), and now I never know what's right anyway.
How about I just go with "I donno, too"? That would've been quicker.
D, yes, but then I have quite a few experiences which are almost impossible to explain. Certainly the sceptics' explanations seem mere contra-believers' bigoted rejection. So, I still wonder...
I'm now wondering what "mere contra-believers' bigoted rejection" means, damn you! (Like there wasn't already enough to wonder about...)
Deirdre, Contra-belief is a belief to the contrary. In this case the belief that there is no god. The bigotry bit comes into it when they get so caught up in their belief (that there is no god) that they refuse to consider the logical reasoning which would show them that the best rational position they can adopt is the agnostic one.
Relevance to Illusions? It's a while since I read it, but I don't remember that sort of question being part of the mix. (Or are you making an off-topic comment here, G? Please keep on track, old son. There are RULES about this sort of thing, you know.)
Geez, Deirdre, do I have to explain it to you? Sheesh! ;-)
"...and as he believed, so it was..." and "...and as they believed, so it was..."
What do you think that's all about? It's about the power of belief to create (or prevent) magic/miracles happening.
So, in the above example contra-belief would deny the possibility of magic/miracles happening, and if there is power in belief, then there is power in contra-belief. It's the power that kills magic/miracles/spirituality/etc. It's nihilism.
Agnosticism at least leaves the door of possibility open.
The atheists reading this are laughing their heads off. When all you've got is this life and even then only a materialistic view of this world, you kill the essence of 'Illusions', and you kill the soul, and you're left with the ego running the show, and you're terrified of death...
Here endeth the lesson... :-)
(Didn't think I could do it, did you?)
Regarding atheists, what I said is not the complete picture.
As I've demonstrated, they are true believers too. They believe in the ability of science to save their arse. They believe that somehow they'll discover what they need to discover to make something happen. They believe that somehow things will work out for the best. These are positive beliefs, and if there is power in belief, then there is power in those beliefs too.
It's just that they also use their power of belief to deny the existence of magic, miracle, spirituality and the soul.
And if there is power in belief, then no religion (and atheism is a religion) has yet made a good job of it... All they seem to create is fanatical bigots...
The truth is still a huge mystery.
Well, thanks for the lesson, Padre :) I'll just go back to "I donno."
Gerry, there have been three instances in my life that are 'inexplicable' by any rational terms. So, yes, have to agree that the "truth" is still a mystery.
Deirdre, "I dunno" is not a bad place from which to examine things...
Davo, I've got a few stories of my own. You know what they say about nihilists, don't you? "They'll amount to nothing in the end..." :-)
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