Military intelligence and other oxymorons...
"Socially sanctioned" ??? Does this mean that a significant majority of the U.S. population has to be in agreeance with a proposed war _before_ we send our troops there? A plebiscite to decide war? What a novel idea... And will we here in Australia be allowed to vote on that as well?
"Violence" ??? A nice euphemism for the butchery, mass murder, rape and maiming of people caught up in a war zone, and the subsequent maiming and killing of millions (future generations) living in the erstwhile war zones heavily polluted by stuff like agent orange, agent blue, depleted uranium, and strewn with unexploded munitions, landmines and cluster bomblets.
" achieve a political purpose" ??? I've been saying for years that war is politics gone stark raving mad. Their own definition now verifies it.
It is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed by someone somewhat wiser than myself regarding this subject.
You flatter me, Vesty. It is I who is in awe that a fellow veteran considers my words wise. Thank you Vesty.
Wars used to be short and fought by citizen soldiers who were protecting their homes. Then the Romans began to realize that it was more efficient to employ professionals in a standing army.
And here we are today.
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